Corporate Milestone


IIDFC, as lead arranger, successfully completed disbursement of syndication facility of BDT 3,250 million only under IPFF-II project (Co-funded by The Govt. of Bangladesh and The World bank) to finance the expansion of Nationwide Telecommunication Transmission Network (NTTN) project of Summit Communications Limited. This is a long term (10 years) finance at very low rate of interest. Six leading Banks and NBFIs participated in the syndication arranged by IIDFC.


IIDFC became a financing partner to the syndication facility of BDT 250.00 million under IPFF II raised for Bangladesh Technocity Limited. The Governor of Bangladesh Bank handed over the IPFF II Fund cheque to the Managing Director of IIDFC Ltd.


IIDFC signed Master Facility Agreement (MFA) with Bangladesh Bank as PFI (Participatory Financial Institution) in IPFF-II (Investment Promotion and Financing Facility II) project on August 07, 2018. The project is facilitated by Bangladesh Bank and Funded by the World Bank (IDA).

Opening of 6th & 7th Branch in Narayanganj and Savar on January 28, 2018 and March 27, 2018 respectively.


Opening of 4th & 5th Branch at Keraniganj and Gazipur on April 30, 2017 and May 23, 2017 respectively.


IIDFC became a Participatory Financing Institution in the “PPP Financing Partnership Program” through signing a MoU with “PPP Authority” on November 3, 2016.

Opening of 3rd Branch at Uttara, Dhaka on May 05, 2016.

Invited by the World Bank, IIDFC participated in the Carbon Expo 2016 held in Cologne, Germany and showcased the benefits of its Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Brick Manufacturing project and emphasized on the necessity of large-scale CHG mitigation projects in Bangladesh.

IIDFC participated in the BRICS Annual Financial Summit held in Goa, India on October 14-16, 2016 and focused on the scopes of future collaboration between the financial institutions of BRICS member countries.



Arranged BDT 3,420.00 million through issuance of 8 (eight) Commercial Papers (both in secured and unsecured mode) for different economic sectors.i.e Textile, Automobile, steel & Iron and ICT sector.

Arrangement of Tier II Capital for Social Islami Bank Limited through issuance of SIBL Mudaraba Subordinated Bond of BDT 3,000.00 million.

IIDFC entered into an Agreement (CERPA) with ADB to sell 160,000 tons of Emissions Reduction during 2016-2020 generated by its 2 (two) Energy Efficient Brick Manafacturing CDM projects on 09 April, 2015.


Arranged Term Loan Facility of BDT 1,000.4 million and USD 6.35 million for Fiber@Home under syndication arrangement, which is first ever World Bank.



Signing od a US$ 6 million loan facility with the Asian Development Bank (November 15, 2012) to improve industrial energy efficiencly in 6 different sectors of Bangladesh.



Signing of agreement between IIDFC and National Small Industries Corporation Ltd. (NSIC), India for the development of small industries in Bangladesh.

Organizing a SME Technology Fair by IIDFC and NSIC on 2011 to accommodate collaboration between SMEs of the two countries.

First ever CDM Project in the brick manufacturing sector of Bangladesh got registered with UNFCCC (August 18, 2011) with IIDFC acting as the Bundling Agent and Focal Point.


IIDFC was awarded “HSBC-Daily Star Climate Change  Mitigation  Award-2010”  for  developing  the best climate change mitigation project in the Country.


Commencing operation of Brokerage Services.

Signed agreement with the World Bank & Govt. of Denmark for delivery of 250,000 tons of Carbon Emission Reductions (CER) generated by IIDFC’s CDM Project for environment-friendly brick manufacturing.

Formation of IIDFC Capital Limited.

IIDFC’s CDM project got recognition at the 15th Global Climate Conference (COP 15) held at Copenhagen, Denmark.

Introduction of first ever ACI Convertible Zero Coupon Bond in Bangladesh (BDT.100 Crore).


Opening of 2nd Branch in Chattogram on 28 August 2008.


Term Loan Syndication for Warid Telecom International Ltd. [BDT 300 Crore] signed in Abu Dhabi.


Syndication of 1st commercial loan of BDT 100 crore for BRAC.


Launching of first ever Zero Coupon Bond by IIDFC in Bangladesh.


Issuance of License by Bangladesh Bank as Non-Bank Financial Institution.

Commencement of commercial operation.


Incorporation with RJSC, Bangladesh.